
If campus-based access to an electronic resource fails, we recommend that users contact their institute library or a person who deals with licensing electronic content – because the process of troubleshooting may be complex, and requires testing at various points.

If you choose to contact the Access Magic helpdesk directly, please consider the hints below.

  • Please always provide your IP address – see, for example, the IP lookup tool in MPG.ReNa.
  • Include the URL of the resource you are trying to access, and a screenshot of the provider page unexpectedly presenting a login form or error message instead of the desired content.
  • Please take into account that a resource may not be available because it is not licensed. You may wish to use the Electronic Journals Library (electronic journals), or MPG.ReNa (electronic resources & digital collections) to verify license information.
  • Make sure that the IP of any proxy server used lies within an authorized IP range.